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Add a water meter

This feature contains points representing water meters

Data locations


Type: Point


Field Type Description
OBJECTID OID Automatically generated integer used to identify rows in a geodatabase table
MANUFACTURER String Meter manufacturer
SIZE_ String Pipe size of the meter in inches
TYPE String Water meter type (i.e. PD, Single Jet, Turbine...)
ACCT_NO Double The account number associated with this meter in NewWorld Systems
Service_Type String Type of service (i.e. Residential, Residential Apt , Commercial, Industrial, Institutional)
EUID String User generated unique identifier
Inspection_Number Double User generated unique identifier
Notes String General notes field
Status String Meter status (i.e. EMPTY, ACTIVE, LOCKED, REMOVED, INACTIVE)
LOCATION String Physical address associated with the meter
Shape Geometry ESRI generated shape field
GlobalID GlobalID Automatically generated unique identifier
GNSS_Date Date Date feature was field verified with GNSS unit
METER_NUM Integer Meter serial number
ERT_NUM Integer Serial number of transmitter attached to meter
Irrigation Integer Coded value indicating if meter is for irrigation (0 - No, 1 - Yes)
Install_Date Date Date meter was installed