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Connect to Nearmap

NearMap is an imagery service the town subscribes to which provides aerial photographs four times each year. The company has an online portal that can be found via this link. The web portal allows browsing for imagery and gives the ability to download user-defined portions of the imagery as a georeferenced file.

Instructions on using NearMap in ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Online can be found below.

ArcGIS Pro

In ArcGIS Pro, make a new server connection to once of these:

ArcGIS Online

To display NearMap imagery in an ArcGIS Online map use the Add Layer from URL tool and point to the following WMS:

Select which layers to add

  • The layer Clayton NC should contain the most recent imagery
  • Satellite contains a blurred tile layer, this is not very useful
  • Other layers should be categorized by acquisition date

NearMap can be added as a basemap or as a normal layer