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Add an electric meter

This feature contains points representing electric meters

Data locations



Type: Point


Field Type Description
OBJECTID OID Automatically generated integer used to identify rows in a geodatabase table
ACCOUNT_NU Double Account number in NewWorld associated with meter
ADDRESS_ String Address meter is associated with
METER_TYPE String Demand (Some Commercial/Industrial), No Demand (Residential)
RATE_TYPE String Residential 1PH, Small General Service, Medium General Service...   *See below for all possible values
CHARGE_CAT String Electric, can be other values based on specific circumstances
Install_Date Date Date of meter installation
Circuit String Specifies which electric circuit this meter is attached to
Shape Geometry ESRI generated shape field
GlobalID GlobalID Automatically generated unique identifier
METER_NUM String Meter number found in Cityworks
ERT_NUM String FlexNet ID number found in Cityworks
All Values in RATE_TYPE
Coincident Peak CP Demand
Coincident Peak ED
Large General Service CP
Large General Service ED
Medium General Service
Residential 1PH
Residential 3PH
Small General Service
Time of Use
Town Facility


  • In Cityworks, there are 5 types of workorders associated with electric meters:
    1. Meters - Connect Temporary Service
    2. Meters - Connect Permanent Service
    3. Meters - Disconnect Normal
    4. Meters - Reconnect Normal
    5. Meters - Repair/replace
  • Generally in new developments for every few units a temporary meter will be installed on a pole during construction
    • This meter status should be set to TEMPORARY
    • After construction, this meter will likely be moved to one of the actual structures, at this point it's status can be changed to PERMANENT
  • The account number can be found in NewWorld by going to Utility Management > Customer Service and searching for the address associated with that meter

  • Enter the address that the meter is associated with to find the account associated with the service.

  • In GIS, enter the portion of account number prior to the - character in the ACCOUNT_NU field
    • For example, for an account numbered 12345-001 in NewWorld, enter 12345 in the ACCOUNT_NU field