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Updating Documentation

AKA, how to edit this webpage!


This website is generated using Material for MkDocs. This means that the pages are written using the Markdown Language, then rendered to a static HTML site by running a script.

In order to view changes to the site as you make them, run the live preview server and point your browser to the indicated page. This webpage will show you what the site will look like and refresh every time a document in the directory is saved.

Table of Contents

The Table of Contents, seen on the left of the screen, is generated by editing the mkdocs.yml file.

If a page does not show up in this list, it will not be added to the Table of Contents. However, it will still be searchable unless the page has a tag telling the site not to allow searches

  - Home:
  - 'Connecting to data': './general/'
  - 'Connecting to NearMap': './general/'
  - 'General':
    - 'Adding/Updating an address': './general/'
    - 'Adding a street': './general/'
    - 'Update zoning': './general/'

Helpful Tricks

  • To add paragraph space between elements use the ASCII non-breaking space character  
  • To change the color of a particular section of text:

    <span style="color:blue">This text will render as blue</span>
    This text will render as blue

  • Blockquotes

    • There are several ways to insert a blockquote, the easiest being to use a > before the quote, however, this doesn't always work when nested lists are involved
    • A more reliable method is to use the HTML snippet below
        <p>This will render as a blockquote</p>

    This will render as a blockquote