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Update Zoning

Zoning data is hosted on ArcGIS Online and involves 2 layers:

  1. Zoning
  2. Conditional Zoning Overlay

Data locations


Conditional Zoning Overlay:


Type: Polygon


Field Type Description
FID OID Automatically generated integer used to identify rows in a geodatabase table
TAG String Not used - apparent holdover from Parcels layer
ZONING String Zoning for polygon   *See List Below
LASTDATE String Date of most recent zoning ordinance for this polygon
SUD String Is this polygon part of a Special Use District (Y or N)
Shape_Area Double Automatically calculated area based on default units
Project String Optional field to put a project number for the rezoning
All Values in ZONING
Residential Estate (R-E)
Single-Family Residential: 10,000 S.F. Lot (R-10)
Single-Family Residential: 8,000 S.F. Lot (R-8)
Single-Family Residential: 6,000 S.F. Lot (R-6)
Central Business (B-1)
Highway Business (B-3)
Office-Institutional (O-I)
Public Facilities (PF)
Planned Development - Residential (PD-R)
Planned Development - Mixed Use (PD-MU)

Conditional Zoning Overlay

Type: Polygon


Field Type Description
OBJECTID OID Automatically generated integer used to identify rows in a geodatabase table
NewZoning String Lists the conditional zoning value for polygon (CZ-R, CZ-I)
DateAdopted Date Date of most recent zoning ordinance for this polygon
Link_URL String Hyperlink to Conditional Zoning Ordinance
Shape__Area Double Automatically calculated area based on default units
Shape__Length Double Automatically calculated lengths based on default units